
For those of you who have found this web site by happenstance — Welcome. It is being created, primarily for my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, family, friends and acquaintances whom I have met since its inception.
On July 26, 2004 I joined, with thousands of people all around the world, to celebrate a conversion to an ancient calendar — The Thirteen Moon Calendar — a calendar which makes more sense to me than the Georgian calendar which is most prevalent in our global society today.
Along with this conversion, I have decided to begin a journey of personal transformation during the ensuing seven years. . . a transformation to a new dimension in consciousness. ( I am in the first year of this transformation now — The White Rhythmic Wizard Year). The thirteen moon calendar serves as a guide to help me stay focused on my intent to fulfill my desires while navigating towards manifesting, what I perceive to be a divinely orchestrated destiny. . . that which is truly meant to be for me. In my study and practice of its movement and frequency, I have determined that, although ancient, the technology is credible, particularly if it is applied in a way which harmonize and resonate with the karma of this eternal moment — a cosmic existence being shared by all sentient beings.
Because I am not yet completely acclimated to it, I do not claim to be an authority on it, nor do I claim the support and /or endorsement of those who are. And although I wholly accept what I perceive to be a "gift" from the ancient culture of the Maya, I do not pretend to follow any symbolic theology, ideology, doctrine or portend any promises of the future, except that which completely and directly parallels my own.
For some very interesting reading on its premise, origin and history go to: http://13moon.com. I found this is to be the best source for the “Wavespell” version of the calendar. I believe you will find it informative, cathartic and even life-altering, whether convert to it or not. I can state unequivocally, after following it through for more than 100 full moon cycles, I that  the adoption of it has been a realistic ethereal guide to my transformation and transcendence.
Although, not my intent, some of the content in this work may be found offensive to those who have rigid beliefs concerning their perception of reality within the known cosmos. Let me assure you, my true intent is a benevolent one. I have chosen to use the precepts of a more contemporary version of this ancient technology because it subscribes, wholly, to my personal doctrines and belief system, and a knowing that can only be achieved through self discovery; not because I have adapted to it. Should you chose to venture further, my true intent will be made abundantly clear.
Having that said , you must know that this is not about me; except that the message it brings is coming not from, but through me. It is far beyond my ability to contain it. So, I am letting go, and allowing myself to be contained by it in the continuous flow of energy that is. If you must know more about me before proceeding, you will find the essence of me contained in this link — ThouArtThatIAm.html.
This blog is meant to be a light-hearted and up-lifting work of timeless art. Only time will tell if it will stand the scrutiny of, and find favor with, the masses who are critical to the survival of all things natural. It is with deep desire in my heart that you be one among them.
Whoever you are, you are cordially invited to journey with me. Please be advised, however, even I do not know where this venture will lead, save to say, "It will lead us to where we are meant to be. . ." for I believe that the next realm of existence is one that we are meant to create ourselves, both individually and together, as One Almighty God — The god that is all, one, everything and no thing — The god that can not be disputed or denied. The god which exist in every man, woman and child — The god yet to be realized by All.  

I am a galactic activation portal —Enter me.http://www.lawoftime.org/thirteenmoon.htmlThouArtThatIam.htmlGalactic_Signiture.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2